Dealing with Water Damage

Water damage can happen any time of year from unexpected leaks from storms to flooding from excessive rainfall. In fact, water damage is the second most frequently filed insurance claim filed in the United States annually with damages exceeding several billion dollars. For businesses, water damage is costly expense, not …

Window Care is Essential for Your Business

Whether you have retail, restaurant, healthcare facility, office, or industrial space, window care is essential for your company’s cleaning program. In an office or healthcare facility, fingerprints, nose prints, smudges, streaks, and dirt make an otherwise clean property appear dirty. For retail businesses and restaurants, this problem is compounded by …

Cleaning Tips as You Move to Your New Space

When you move into your new space, be it office or retail, one of the first things you should do is clean. If you purchased your commercial space, it may or may not have been cleaned before the previous owner exited. If you are leasing your space, your landlord or …

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for Winter

During winter, keeping your business clean is very important for several reasons. First, it keeps you, your employees, and your clients or customers, healthy and happy. Second, you want your business space to look clean and cared for, always welcoming to your visitors. Winter cleaning often requires a bit more …

Commercial Cleaning: Your Business Benefits

In the midst of your efforts to keep your retail business or office space clean, you’ve probably wondered whether commercial cleaning services would benefit your business. You may have even speculated as to whether the cost of a commercial cleaning service could be justified in today’s market with your tight …